Bulgarian Cyrillic Standard and Phonetic Keyboard-table for Windows 95 Made by Joakim Ek 1997 (Part of code from Microsoft original files) ** 2nd RELEASE ** New: The 'CH' character placed on then [~'] key as it should be. New: Another version that differs slightly, se mappings below. New: kbd-file.txt with the specifications i have figured out is supplied for them who likes to make some hacking themselves. ** (Microsoft and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft) There are three KBD-files included, KBDBUL.KBD is an improved version of the one supplied by Microsoft. It has () on the top-left key and \| on the top right witch is correct (at least on my keyboard) and it also handles CAPS-lock in a correct way. (R,L,B,M,TS and CH is capsed, not bI) To install this version instead of the current simply replace the KBDBUL.KBD that are installed in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. (If your Windows 95 is installed in another directory use that instead) If the Bulgarian keyboard is'nt installed at all yet, see next section on how to install a keyboard. The other two files are phonetic and places the cyrillic letters on the latin keys that sounds alike. The mapping of the other keys are placed on latin keys as defined by KOI-7/KOI-8, but with small modifications. The first file, called PHONETIC.KBD, has the keys on the same place as the DOS-driver BDS.COM, witch is (in Win-1251 codepage): ÷× 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6ü 7& 8Ü 9( 0) -_ =+ ýÝ ÿß â åÅ ðÐ òÒ ûÛ óÓ èÈ îÎ ïÏ øØ ùÙ àÀ ñÑ äÄ ôÔ ãà õÕ éÉ êÊ ëË ;: þÞ çÇ úÚ öÖ æÆ áÁ íÍ ìÌ ,< .> /? The 2nd driver, PHONETI2.KBD, has the normal ^ on 6 and * on 8, and the üÜ has instead been placed on the latin xX-key. The úÚ that was there before is placed on the latin yY-key, and finally the ûÛ that was there are removed. There are also some ALT-key-sequences that can be used to get the original latin-keyboard-characters like [ and ] that normaly gives SH and SHT. Select the one of the phonetic drivers that suits you the best. To use this you will first have to install a keyboard-layout that you do not intend to use, and replace it with this table. That's because Windows 95 does not actually support an phonetic driver. If you do not want to use the original Bulgarian layout you mey replace that driver, and if you want both the original and the phonetic you can install some other, i installed the Russian driver and replaced it with this file. To install a keyboard do like this: Click on START, select SETTINGS and CONTROL-PANEL Doubleclick on KEYBOARD, Select the tab LANGUAGE Click on ADD... and select a language (Bulgarian, Russian or something else) Click on OK, then OK again. (I hope this is right, i wrote it from memory. Otherwise read the Windows 95 online documentation or just use trial-and-error) Lets say you installed the russian keyboard, just to have it replaced with the phonetic bulgarian, you then should replace the file KBDRU.KBD in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory with the PHONETIC.KBD file supplied here. (That is; delete KBDRU.KBD and then rename PHONETIC.KBD to KBDRU.KBD) If you do this (or replace the KBDBUL.KBD as mentioned above) while Windows 95 is running you will have to restart Windows 95 to make the changes take effect. (If you hold SHIFT pressed while clicking on YES, with RESTART-option selected, Windows 95 will just restart itself without restarting the computer) Well, that should be it i hope. If you like you can email me with any questions or whatever. My email-address is jek@swipnet.se and if that fails try jocke@ecedata.se This file was probably downloaded from http://www.ecedata.se/jocke/files Regards jek